A chandelier that hyper-realistically reproduces the dome of St. Peter’s in Rome.The piece combines technological production techniques with Italian craftsmanship and know-how. The result is a hybrid between art and design; between past, present and future; a miraculous dialogue between architecture and avant-garde, history and experimentation, functionality and mystical lighting. 2016

Dimensions: diameter 100 cm – height 110 cm

Weight: 18kg

Materials: polyurethane resin, fiberglass, nylon

Light: made in Italy LED components + remote&iPad control- 

N.1 Central 2000 lumen LED + dimmer- 

N.2 Outer red and yellow LEDs + dimmer

Color: hand painted water shellac colors + water primer

Finishes: Verger PVA varnish

Details: Silver cross, painted Brass balcony + light plate

Unique Piece

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