Mao Mao

Caricature of the 100 Yuan Chinese banknote featuring the Italian master of communications and events organizer Paride Vitale. A contemporary personality who has revolutionized modern PR and parties. 2017


Height: 60cm

Length: 120cm

Unique Piece

Fish out of water I & II

Site-Specific installation commissioned by Monica Cembrola for Art Foundation for Silver Muse Luxury Cruise Ships

A school of fish composed of ten ethereal and poetic pieces. The brass, copper and bronze wired shapes portray the weightless underwater movement of fish and the golden reflection of light on their scales. The pieces were installed on the ceramic-coated wall of the Asian fine-dining restaurant. 2017

Material: brass, copper and bronze

Dimension: 4 x 3 m wall installation

Unique Piece


The Holy Virgin, symbol of integrity and virginity, but also a victim of the irony of fate. As a pop icon, it ended up marketed and finally sold off at 50%. Stripped of all its spiritual strength but paradoxically destined to reappear as a sacred religious reference in the home of whoever BUYs it. 2017

Dimensions: 20 x 38 cm

Materials: glass, brass frame

Unique Piece

Ri Contorsioni

Photographic prints of a contorted and solidified universe. Dense relationships and intersections create a tangle of memories that pushes the individual away from one’s origins. “Ri-contorsioni” is an invitation to melt down and go back to a simpler form, an effort to find lightness and simplicity. 2018

Digital C-Print on Archival Photographic Paper

Dimensions: 76.2 x 114.3 cm (30 x 45 in.)

Edition 10


Ironic yet functional and obviously super-light interpretation of the classic office chair Superleggera by Gio’ Ponti for Cassina (superlight chair). Work often keeps us enthralled, or as in the Italian saying “incollati alla sedia” – glued to the chair – but this tribute to Gio’ Ponti is a hymn to light-heartedness instead. Commissioned for the Supercolla Project, curated by Guido Musante and Maria Chiara Valacchi presented at Martina Simeti Art Gallery in Milan. 2018

Dimensions: 83 x 41 x 45cm
Material: Ash wood
Weight: 4,5 kg

Unique Piece


Defaced Dominance (Patriarcagato)

First Prize winner of  DeiSign, the international contest of liturgical vessels for Torino World Design Capital 2008. Blending the concepts of modernity and diversity “Altare in Festa”  portrays the joyfulness of faith and focuses on shape rather than decorativism, on colors and ergonomy, portraying the most human side of Christ.

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Seek to Believe

Amebe, Biennale Arte 2022, Namibian Pavilion, Seek to believe, art installation, site-specific installation, binoculars

First Prize winner of  DeiSign, the international contest of liturgical vessels for Torino World Design Capital 2008. Blending the concepts of modernity and diversity “Altare in Festa”  portrays the joyfulness of faith and focuses on shape rather than decorativism, on colors and ergonomy, portraying the most human side of Christ.

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F(ART) The Function of Art

First Prize winner of  DeiSign, the international contest of liturgical vessels for Torino World Design Capital 2008. Blending the concepts of modernity and diversity “Altare in Festa”  portrays the joyfulness of faith and focuses on shape rather than decorativism, on colors and ergonomy, portraying the most human side of Christ.

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EVA and EVA – What If?

Studio Amebe, Biennale Arte 2024, Giardini delle Vergini, EVA and EVA, art performance, Arsenale, What if?, Independent performance

In the evocative setting of the Biennale Arte 2024Giardino delle Vergini, AMEBE’s independent Art performance unfolds, woven with symbolism and anthropological reflection. Two modern Eves, emancipated and self-assured beneath a majestic tree, disconnecting from Adam’s shadow. Their union, symbolized by the “knotted serpent,” transcends mere defiance, manifesting a profound struggle against entrenched paradigms. As they taste the forbidden fruit, deeper questions arise: what would humanity become in a world untouched by sin’s stain? A powerful exploration of our potential unfolds, questioning the very essence of paradise and the intricate tapestry of human existence, suspended between the allure of Eden and the harsh realities of our world. This manifesto thus becomes a bold assertion of the role of women in the human narrative. 2024